I can be a form of controversy among some people within my own community at times. I am a free-marketeer, limited government, non-victim playing, and personal responsibility taking gay man. Also, I am not a difference denier and not a feminist which is quite controversial in a world where ?girl? power equals being a feminist.? One of my most recent articles was a posting of a debunking of the pay gap theory and prior to that I did have lots of articles debunking other tenants of feminism such as women and men being not different outside of genitals. Here I am going to explain why feminism is not only not a girls best friend, but, also not a ?girls? best friend either. We have quite a list here so without further ado let?s get this started.
1)? Feminism is a victim mentality and brings nothing, but, self-victimisation.
Yes, feminism is a victim mentality of poor me poor ?female,? and a victim mentality is never good for anyone. No one that feels paranoid that the world is against them will ever act in their best interest or the best interests of those that need them. It is just asking for women to become drowned in fighting the dreaded ?patriarchy.?
2)? Feminists deny the differences between men, women, and even gays.
The modern day radical form of feminism is built on the blank slate ideas I denounced in my last article. Due to this we get the idea there is no differences between men, women, and, gay men from straight men via being like women. It is often said that there is no difference between the sexes and this is just not true. There are many ways in which men, women, and, gays via being like women are quite different from one another. Whether we consider hormones, brain formations, or even effects of certain chromosomes there is a different effect, and, that effect than causes other effects which differentiate the sexes and orientations along the same lines. From this comes the idea of there not being different naturally driven choices between the sexes and orientations. Spurned from this belief comes the idea any differences cannot be choices, but, must be forced from Socialised/Social Constructed roles of women/gays or created through discrimination.
3)? Every single time a man gets a position he must get it because he is a man! It is the patriarchy!
If you believe there is an imaginary Patriarchy stopping you from getting women where they should be you automatically assume anytime a man gets somewhere it must be due to some male privilege. This has one problem as just because you are a man does not mean you are a male! It is very assuming of a feminist to assume the man that got the job is not a female-man (whether a Cross Gender or a Transgendered person)! It also discounts the possibility that it might be a gay man whom has learned amazing skills, but, has a women typical inner life. On top of this it does not take into account the fact that a man might know more than his women co workers, and, that men and women find it easier to learn different sets of skills from one another. If one person gets the job over another person absent crazy office politics is always based on Marat, and, if not is supposed to be. Unless there is proof no one should suppose a man getting a job over? woman is based on anything more than being the better person for the job.
4)? Women are not naturally the nurturers of a society they are socially constructed to be so and thus be considered different than men.
I have heard this over, and, over from radical feminists and it is complete bullshit. Women give birth to children and children require nurturing, and, so the mothers of the world are the natural nurturers of any society. Not just ours, but, every society we can find from any time we can find on record has women being nurturers because they are the mother?s of the society. Women and Two-Spirited men/Natural Born Eunech?s/Harem Keepers were the gatherers in societies of hunter and gatherers.
? 5) There is not any sort of natural separation or division of labor between men, women, and, the women typical or men typical in societies.
This once again is complete bullshit excuse my french! We have numerous finds from even pre-history of men, women, and, two-spirits the opposite Souled peoples having natural roles in societies. The Two-Spirited peoples (Gays/Lesbians/Transgendered) would naturally be drawn towards the social role of the opposite?gender due to their Soul being different from their vessel. Biggest example we have of this are the hunter/gatherer societies where the hunt was done by males either men or two-spirited women. Meanwhile the nurturing, and, gathering was done by females either women or two-spirited men. It was natural done for reasons of survival, and, came to by the peoples of the time doing what came easiest to them naturally. There was not some huge authoritarian Patriarchial conspiracy behind it using it to push women down it was a natural division of labor between the males and females. With this we have one of many examples of males and females having different roles in nature period regardless of the type of systems people tried to setup. People in either group naturally will be drawn to different things and different roles because that is what they are evolved to be, and, also what their Soul (or internal drives) drives them to when given the choice. Thus the differences we now have in careers between males and females is just that each is driven to different things as found in all the undoctored stats on the workplace.
6) Women are not home makers they are nurtured to be it is not natural!
More bullshit passed off as truth by radical feminists! They will push that women are not naturally home makers, and, by this I mean not naturally the ones to stay home with the young. Of course this is wrong as mothers are meant to take care of the young and it is natural for women to want to take care of their children. Gays are found to be just as good at empathy as women in most tests, and, this would come from the internal drives to nurture like a woman would. Men have less luck with tests of empathy and Lesbians have the same results on tests as men. This is not to say one cannot gain the skills of being a home maker and be a man of course one can, but, they are taught to nurture by their wives or girlfriends, or even their gay friends. Similarly one could unlearn to be empathic one could become egotistical and cut off that as well. Interestingly within this same topic gay couples tend to be like two females, and, lesbian relationships tend to be like two males. Gay couples tend to raise the young like two females and Lesbians the opposite is found to be like two males.
? 7) Men Run the World!
Wrong, men do not run the world and never have ran the world. The world is ran by those in power if you mean governments, and, that has historically been a back/forth between authoritarians and freedom seekers not along male/female lines. One major example of this is The Queen(s) that have existed over the years! Not only that, but, in matters of species or being survival women rule as no women equals no sewing of a straight males wild oats, and, no reproduction. Sperm cannot make a next generation the key to the survival of the species is women.. women rule in the race to make a next generation and that race is intricate to the existence of life. Plus, a major amount of the Elite is Gay men or women typical men, and, that means even though they have a Penis they are the mental equivalent of rule by women! King James was so fabulously Gay they used too say ?James Is the Queen!? (He also had an open relationship, did not sleep with the Queen, and, had a special boudoir for his lovers in his castle.)? In the words of the great Rhianna ?girls? run the mother f***** world! Girls!?
Posted in Ab Fab, Broadway, Capitalism, Entertainment, Fashion and Style, Free Market, Free Market Environmentalism, Healthy Cheats, Individual Rights, It Gets Better!, Local Issues, Natural Born Eunuch Pride, Optimism, Pop-culture, Proud Two-Sprit, Reviews, Social Issues, Universalism
Source: http://murphreport.com/2012/08/17/dear-fellow-gays-girls-feminists-thy-friends/
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